This set of CD contain sounds generated by VoiceSync tools as digital radionics, etg,

planet tones, brainwaves, and instruments as crystal bowls, Hall quartz didgeridoos, harmonic chanting...

It's the best combination of leading sound technology with the most

suggestive acoustic instruments.


Sounds for enhancing our listening capabilities and expanding our

consciousness, gain control of your mind, travel though

your emotions, feel the basic 4 elements, explore the

fundamental rhythms of nature, understand with your

intuition the basics of the sacred languages, learn how to use

your spine and brain as a receiver antenna of the universal





all CDs are now in mp3 downloadable format, you can have

the content right now in your computer no shipping delay

maintaining high quality (192kbs - 44k).



titles include:



Quartz bowls

Pure sounds for body, mind and spirit harmonising.

The pure sound of quartz bowls with its multi-aural tones balances our brain hemispheres providing a rich experience of wellbeing and higher consciousness. 

Sounds coming from silence lead us to a deep silence.

Track list

  1. quartz bowl performance

 duration: 30:01

price: 15$

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Brain Waves

Start listening the pure sound of quartz bowls entering in a state of calm and introspection, following a series of four types of brainwaves (beta, alpha, theta, delta) ending with a unique dynamic brainwave composition.


Each brainwave is tuned with the sound of bowl generating an expanded bio-feedback experience that provides more control over out mind and thoughts.


Listening this new way of brainwave sounds improves our consciousness of each state of mind from awakens to deep sleep, also increases communication between both brain hemispheres connecting logical (left brain) and intuitive (right brain) thinking.


Track list


1.quartz bowls         10:21

2.Beta                  3:00            

3.Alpha                 5:56

4.Theta                 5:42           

5.Delta                11:11

6.Dynamic brainwaves    5:32


duration: 41:42

price: 15$

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Mantras of Bach flowers


Each flower has a sound, its vibrational pattern, combining them with the pure sound of crystal bowls creates a unique emotional healing environment.


The sound of the flowers is enveloped in the sound of caduceus geometry expanding its vibrational properties.


Contains 38 tracks, one per Bach flower.


Track List.


1 agrimony          2 aspen                3 beech

4 centaury          5 cerato               6 cherry plum

7 chestnut bud      8 chicory              9 clematis

10 crab apple       11 elm                12 gentian

13 gorse            14 heather            15 holly

16 honeysuckle      17 hornbeam           18 impatiens

19 larch            20 mimulus            21 mustard

22 oak              23 olive              24 pine

25 red chestnut     26 rock rose          27 rock water

28 scleranthus      29 star ot bethlem    30 sweet chestnut

31 vervian          32 vine               33 walnut

34 water violet     35 white chestnut     36 wild oat

37 wild rose        38 willow


track duration. 1:30 to 2 min

total duration: 64:46 min

price: 15$

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Australian Bush Flowers


similar technology developed for Bach set also developed for the Australian Bush flower set.


Track List.


1 Alpine Mint Bush          33 Macrocarpa

2 Angelsword                  34 Mint Bush

3 Banksia Robur              35 Monga Waratah

4 Bauhinia                      36 Mountain Devil

5 Billy Goat Plum             37 Mulla Mulla

6 Black Eyed Susan          38 Old Man Banksia

7 Bluebell                        39 Paw Paw

8 Boab                            40 Peach-flowered Tea- Tree

9 Boronia                        41 Philotheca

10 Bottlebrush                 42 Pink Mulla Mulla

11 Bush Fuchsia               43 Red Grevillea

12 Bush Gardenia             44 Red Helmet Orchid

13 Bush Iris                     45 Red Lily

14 Christmas Bell             46 Red Suva Frangipani

15 Crowea                       47 Rough Bluebell

16 Dagger Hakea             48 She Oak

17 Dog Rose                    49 Silver Princess

18 Dog Rose of the          50 Slender Rice FlowerWild Forces

19 Five Corners               51 Southern Cross

20 Flannel Flower             52 Spinifex

21 Freshwater                  53 Sturt Desert Pea Mangrove

22 Fringed Violet              54 Sturt Desert Rose

23 Green Spider               55 Sundew Orchid

24 Grey Spider                 56 Sunshine Wattle Flower

25 Gymea Lily                  57 Sydney Rose

26 Hibbertia                    58 Tall Mulla Mulla

27 Illawarra Flame           59 Tall Yellow Top Tree

28 Isopogon                    60 Turkey Bush

29 Jacaranda                  61 Waratah

30 Kangaroo Paw            62 Wedding Bush

31 Kapok Bush                63 Wild Potato Bush

32 Little Flannel             64 Wisteria Flower

65 Yellow Cowslip Orchid

total duration: 68:58

price: 15$

Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz


Harmonic Ocean


Quartz bowls create pure sounds that harmonise body, mind and spirit.


Its vibration synchronises and harmonises brain hemispheres.


They activate a unifying process to understand what we really are with its unlimited possibilities.


Track list


  1. opening.          11:16

  2. remind.             22:20

  3. encounter.       10:34


total duration. 44:17 min

price: 15$

Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz


The four elements


Creating this work with the four elements (earth, water, fire, air) sounds from acustic instruments as crystal bowls, didgeridoo, harmonic chanting has been used combined with essential mantas (ur-mantras) that represent them.

Hearing them we connect with their subtle reality creating a new one from these basic 4 components.

It can be used in a creative meditation that help integration of visual and audio elements that enhances our pineal perception.


Track list

1. earth     7:00

2. water    6:44

3. fire       5:44

4. air        7:46

duration: 27:14 min

price: 15$

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Star Sonic


Harmonising sequence of this work has been creating accordingly with ayurvedic principles shake, relax and feed.


Initial rhythm comes from the scaled sound of the star spectrum light obtained from several astronomic labs. This sound conforms the fundamental rhythm of all the musics in the world.


Sound evolves creating different rich harmonic sonic environments, recreating in its phase component archetypical geometrical patterns.


Crystal bowl sounds closes the work providing a final permanent harmonisation sensation.


track list.

1. star trip.             5:00

2. relax.                  5:21

3. sound nutrients.  7:18

4. crystal dreams.   7:02

5. mineral power.   4:05

6. bowl garden 1.    9:45

7. bowl garden 2.    8:28

total duration:      47:16

price: 15$

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Emotional consciousness.

Sounds for achieving expanded emotional consciousness


Emotions are a great source of knowledge, bypassing sensations an unlimited field of learning possibilities is open: out emotional field.

Emotions are closely related to our right brain (intuition, creativity), with this musical language based on western chords the link between two brains is created opening this great field of wisdom. Crystal bowl integrated sounds improves this experience.


Track list

1. mayor.             4:45

2. minor.              4:53

3. dimished.         5:53

4. augmented.      4:53

5. 7 th.                 1:56

6. suspended 4th. 2:05

7. suspended 2nd  4:25

total duration: 29:08 min

price: 15$


Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz




Inner Child

The Reconnection

Adult mental development creates a gap with his inner self, the sounds contained in this creation is an excellent way to reconnect as it balances brain hemispheres creating a void space that lead us to the remind of who we really are.
An innocent listening opens an intuition space and rejoins with our real origin.
Contains sounds from harmonic chanting, crystal bowls, quartz didgeridoo and harmonic sounds.

Track list
1. flower yin yang. 5:53
(flower chorus)

2. consciousness winds 3:48 (harmonic chanting and quartz didg)

3. cosmic opening 4:16 (sounds of the star light and planets)

4. tree of life 2:26 (Hebrew language chorus)

5. mind awareness 5:53 (brain waves)

6. mineral meeting 6:21 (quartz bowls)

duration: 28:51 min

price: 15$

Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz


Bija Mantra the sound of chakra

Bija means seed in Sanskrit, there is one Bija Mantra per petal in each flower of the 7 chakra. Last chakra is the thousand petal chakra and there is no sound for it.

These mantras are made of one Sanskrit phoneme that represents the vibrational characteristic of the petal, grouping them by chakra we get the complete representation of our vibrational essence, what we are and the abilities to fully develop us,

The Bija Mantra CD contains 7 tracks, one per chakra, the phoneme corresponding to each petal has been processed through complex mathematical algorithms (Chirp-Z transform and special designed filter) extracting the unique frequency ratios that represent its vibrational content.

The result is an incredible vibrational experience, in my understanding containing the true core of how a sacred language codes subtle information in the proportions of the main frequencies that create a phoneme.

learn more about Bija Mantra and how this CD was done

Track list

1. chakra 1. 1:55

2. chakra 2. 3:37

3. chakra 3. 2:05

4. chakra 4. 3:18

5. chakra 5. 5:31

6. chakra 6. 1:12

7. chakra 7. 0:34

duration: 18:34 min

price: 20$



Planet�s vibrations

Each planet has a tone calculated from its rotational period, in this composition each planet is enveloped in a harmonically constructed voice like sound and mixed with crystal bowls sounds creating a cosmic chorus: the sound of spheres.

Track list

1 earth         7:02

2 moon          6:00

3 sun           5:12

4 mercury       6:00

5 venus         6:00

6 mars          6:00

7 jupiter       6:00

8 saturn        6:00

9 uranus        6:00

10 neptune      6:00

11 pluto        6:00
total duration: 66:34 min
price: 15$


Make payments with PayPal - Download with PayLoadz


radionic Amazon orchid.

This CD combines the power of radionic with Amazon orchid flower set. Each orchid has been tested with a radionic device obtaining 5 different rates that combined generate it's unique proportion i.e. the combined rate of the orchid, a R21 radionic device has been used for this application.

Each radionic chord corresponding to the set of 5 tones is scaled and tuned to fit a particular crystal bowl generating a resonant effect that that leverages vibrational effects of the orchid.

You can listen a particular orchid as they are recorded in different tracks or listen the whole set for and expanded resonant experience.


Price: 20$


track list.

1.Asinetas Superba

2.Vandas Tricolor

3.Oncidium Abortivum

4.Epidendron Secundum

5.Miltonea Phalenopsis

6.Oncidium Incurvum

7.Oncidium Lanceanum

8.Laeliocattleya Hybr.

9.Stanhorpea Wardii

10.Cymdidium Iowianum

11.Epidendrum Prismatocarpum

12.Cattleya Warscewiczcii

13.Cattleya Trianae

14.Paphiopedilum Insigne

15.Laeliocattleya Anceps


17.Aguloa Cliftonii

18.Paphiopedilum harrysianum

19.Victoria Regia





Order the whole set



If you want to purchase the whole set of mp3 music in one single CD please click in the button below. total price: 160$, due to it's size, download link set will be sent by e-mail




Recording has been performed using best available tools and equipment in a asymmetric wall echo less recording studio with Neumann TLM193 & Neumann U87A microphones. Stereo Behringer vacuum tube analog pre-amplifier and Pulsar CreamWare 32 bit digital processing ensuring superb sound quality.


Best available instruments have been used in these recording, no filter has been applied to keep the sound as pure as possible.

bulletQuartz bowls. fine quality and tuning.
bulletDidgs. Hall quartz limited edition.
bulletVoiceSync generated sounds.
bulletRain stick and metal percussion.
