Voice is an instrument for emotional expression, as we talk musical chords appear linking our emotional state with music, EmoChord is a technology that performs musical chord analysis from voice enabling further listening.
Generated chord sequences is not music but a series of chords representing emotional the evolution of our voice, understanding this relation will lead to a better understanding of our emotions helping us to achieve a fluent emotional expression.
EmoChat tool performs a musical emotional dialogue using this technology.
VBS retrieves main musical chord from voice.
Musical chords can be played in several MIDI instruments with ChordXplorer.
![]() | EmoChat works together with ChordXplorer a simple tool to make you
familiar with main western music chords. |
![]() | First of all listen the chords -several minutes a day- and try to
associate an emotion with the sounds you are hearing, you will find that you
gain consciousness and your emotional field expands, this the 'abc' of the
emotional vocabulary. Emotions are not only feelings but something much more
deep and rich, we usually know little about a fluent vocabulary to express
our emotions. |
![]() | So once we have mastered 'abc' of emotions (musical chords) now lets build 'words', these words are the chords sequences contained in our speech, EmoChat generates automatically these sequences that can be after played at desired tempo. |
Researching with VBS I've been able to obtain following conclusions:
1. Vowels contain major chord patterns (1st,3rd,5th) , I've tested this with several people with accurate results. Octaves of 5th and third may change but the pattern of the chord is clearly recognizable.
2. We can modulate vowels and change the octaves of the chord, i.e. the 5th can be one or two octaves up or below, but still the chord is there.
3. 'Consonant' normal speaking generates complex patterns of chords I'm trying to automatically identify, but till now in a manual form I've been able to identify minor and 7th, the most common ones in pop-music.
It seems there's a link between our emotional vocabulary and our particular musical culture, I'm wondering if this first one is defined and limited by the second.
We only feel and understand emotions related to the music we've heard. Music is the cultural vehicle for emotions.
It's like in spoken language; we can only issue phonemes from the languages we speak, but there's great difficulty in other we don't usually speak. Try saying something phonetically correct in Turkish or Arab, it's hard!
In western music we generally use 31 chords, this includes roughly classical, pop, rock, etc. jazz may be an exception as in some cases they expand these boundaries.
This our emotional alphabet.
Can we improve our emotional understanding identifying them in our own voice?
Also vowels seem to match certain chords with a very clear emotional connotation (major, 5th), jitter and confusion seem to be close to 2th (widely used in Flamenco music) and 13ths.
When you play with it after a few minutes you start discovering the link, making possible emotion exploring with the help of your voice,
It's a very exciting experience to see oneself in an emotional mirror though the sound of music.
Our emotional body (EB) resonates with certain vibrational patters, the frequency relations contained in musical chords.
These patterns are found in planet geometry, nature and consciousness unfoldment.
Being PHI the basic relations, further unfoldment in subtle planes is achieved through these musical translated patterns.
This emotional vocabulary -the abc of feelings- enables us perception of the patterns itself and also the transition between them, it's not an static phenomena but a harmonic dynamic reality, just like music, patterns gain in complexity so resonance with higher planes is achieved.
Mastering our emotional instrument (EB) we can resonate with this higher planes as they become more knowledge oriented, i.e. more virtual, more digital.
SW is a great tool for exploring this fascinating world, voicesync provides tools for this trip ChorXplorer the emotional tuner through musical chord listening and EmoChat.
EmoChat listens your voice, finds and keeps track of the musical chord in it and plays this sequence of chords. It's an emotional dialogue, program doesn't care of what you say but HOW you say it, further replay help you understating this process and the emotional content of your voice.