Several tools are provided to translate some characteristics of matter systems to audible vibrations (sound).
Implementations include from micro to macro cosmic entities:
Molecule more than 17000 downloadable from the Protein Data Bank. | |
Infrared spectrum JCAMP-DX file reader and spectrum compound tone generator. | |
Mineral. More than 3500 contained in program. | |
Drugs. more than 1800 in a JCAMP file format. | |
Human genome. genes sequences downloadable from human genome project | |
Astronomical. Sound of solar system planet configuration from an heliocentric perspective. | |
Planet sounds. Pitch of planet calculated from rotation period. | |
StarSounds. Surprising ancient drum rhythms are obtained directly from 161 star spectrum. | |
Radionic. more than 300 rates representing substances are coded and translated to audible pitch. | |
Matter2Wave, generate resonant tones representing language coded items. |
The goal of these programs is to generated a sound that accurately represents the matter system more than trying to generate nice to hear sounds.