Voicesync Android apps

Quantum Radionics

Contains most of my digital radionic research in one only app.  works in augmenting your intention (wish) and radionically transfer it to subjects using a transfer function (action).
It is therefore an intention amplifier converting words and images to radionic vibration that travel though subtle worlds improving manifestation.

Works with up to 20 simultaneous subjects

1. set the session name as a valid file name, i.e. family friends
2. enter the wish field with a brief concise
3. select the required action according to your intuition from the following set:  ( FlowerOfLife,     HarmoniGraph,     Mandalas,     Chakras,   SphericalHarmonics, LorentzAttractor,
        CropCircles,    SymmetricIcons,    Vortex,        Leminiscate,    GeoStar,             Fractals).
4. click on the play icon on the task bar and play full attention for a few minutes,

i recommend short 2 minute sessions 4 times a day for better results,

this app. is not included in the following packs.

requirements: android 2.2 or newer, 512MB RAM, 400 or more pixels in P or L (HVGA or better)

Price: 9.90$  

Radionics Software Pack



Rife Healing Vibs.



3d Radionics



Radionics Classic

Radionic Cards

Amazon Orchid

Radionic Tones

Crop circles radionics

Water Harmonizer

Radionics is the utilization of an unusual energy or energies in devices to produce natural phenomenon or effects.

It is a system of alternative medicine developed by Dr. Albert Abrams, who belived that diseased body tissue affected the nervous system and gave forth, 'dull emanations'. Abrams believed electronic phenomena were involved with this, and he invented a variable resistance intrument called a 'black box' to measure the ohm resistance of different diseases on an electronic circuit. He found for example, that cancer produced a 50 ohm resistance, while syphilis had a 55 ohm resistance. Abrams later modified his technique so he could take readings from a drop of blood. In 1924, a committee established by the Royal Society of Medicine investigated Abrams techniques and were favorably impressed. Today Radionics and its cousin Radiesthesia (medical dowsing) are recognized in Europe as legitimate medical procedures.

Radionics has as its basis the following: There is an energy pervading the universe (orgon) that has unusual properties and may be used for the betterment of mankind. Under certain conditions, this energy has been found to affect man or his enviroment and can be controlled under conditions imposed by the characteristics of that energy.

As in all sciences, development of that science is made through observation of properties or characteristics of that which is studied. Experimentation follows observations in order to control or induce the phenomenon itself in a controlled manner.


Programs contained in this pack include:


generates multiradionic sessions with upto 12 simultaneous subjects with kaleidoscopic fractal bottom scene, dodecahedron bach flower geometric  transfer and 4 elements rotating torus.
Session are compatible with Multiradionics app.


Creates a Radionic session to a certain subject from selected homeopathic remedy, resources include 4d radionic color animation and chromatic radionic homeopathic graph.

Rife Healing Vibs.

Contains a wide set of Rife based healing vibs., search for a certain pain using the search text box or scroll though the list, select the item and press the play button (interrupt pressing back), last numeric field is the duration of each frequency in seconds.


multiradionics implementation in a egypt's giza pyramids geometrical representation with a rotating pyramid containing the subjects.


Generates radionic rate & tone from a selected image in your device, plays generated tone in a harmonic chord.

Uses transparent Merkaba as animated background to improve manifestation.

3d Radionics

The purpose of this new application -containing the best of my radionics research adapted to Android- is augmenting your intention (wish) and radionically transfer it to a subject using a transfer function (action). It is therefore an intention amplifier converting words and images to radionic vibration that travel though subtle worlds improving manifestation.

Internal radionic high frequency waves,  3D scenario, Sound,  Color,  and Action development are combined to created a powerful radionic experience, an event that expand through to whole Universe.

The 3D radionic scenario is used acting as an intention expander as you look at it, sound and color coded at the radionic rate that represents the wish is also played to improve expansion and transfer.
You can use it to heal, improve and in general send a wish to a subject.


Generates a transfer manifestation tone from solar system planets ephemeris in selected date and time, use it on your birthday or any important event to enhance.


Enables simple and powerful radionics applied to multiple simultaneous subjects arranged in geometrical panels, combined dodecahedron and phi ratio spirals are used in conjunction with the radionics tones.

Radionics Classic

This application enables radionic rate generation from a set of words containing a wish; associated tone in octave 0 and color is calculated from main rate. Animated logarithmic spirals are used as energy expansion resource to spread out the radionic information contained in the rate.

Usage is simple:

Load the photo of the subject you want to work with radionics.
Write the wish or open any kind of file (text, image, sound, etc.) you want to associate to the subject and click the 'go' button (double side arrow), radionic rate is calculated and also octave 0 tone and color is displayed.
To start radionic application play the tone for several minutes.

Radionic Cards

Widely used in radionic therapy, this radionic card is a free style implementation of the well known Malcolm cards but including musical scale generated color ellipses and additional graphic resources.
The geometrical pattern is generated from the rate obtained from the typed wish.

Amazon Orchid

This applications displays a list of the Amazon Orchid remedies and calculates for each one of them its radionic main frequencies.

Radionic Tones

Contains several hundred radionic rates -scaled to octave 0- representing most common elements and diseases, according to radionic practices you can hear the tones or prepare homeopathic remedies.

It generates a binaural tone left channel is the table frequency and right one plus an offset scaled to octave -8 of the base tone.

Analog Radionics

With this app. you can use your android device as an analog radionic one, slide the indicators with your touch screen to obtain a 8 digit rate.

Crop circles radionics

pentagon inscribed crop circles with color tuned harmonigraph

Water Harmonizer

expose a glass of fresh water on top of the display and let it work for 3 minutes, drink immediately or mix with more plain water to share with others.

Price Android Radionic pack: 19.90$   (does not include Quantum Radionics, sold as separate app.)

more apps...

IR Spectrum


Lissajous explorer

Waterman polyhedra

Mandala Cube

Spherical Harmonics

Plato Solids & the four elements

Radial Spectrum



ETG. expression tone generation

Penrose Tilings

PHI Spiral

VBS (Voice Balancing System)

the Metatron CUBE

Stalled Icosahedra

Polyhedron Festival

Magic Colors




HarmonoGraph 3D


Algebraic Surfaces

Earth Planet



Lorentz Attractor

Alg. Surf. Implicit

3d Attractors

Symmetric Icons

Star Sound

Mineral Sound

Brain Waves

Cosmic Octave


Chladni plates

DNA Springs

The Flower of Life





Schumann Resonances


Planet Dance


The art of π

4D hypercube

V2V (Voice2Voice)

IR Nutrients

Ir Spectrum

Our skin has the ability to "see" colors and shapes, with IR Spectrum you can load jcamp-dx spectrum data file format from different sources and represent them on your device screen, expose to skin to experience results.


Experience mind improvements with this set of GeoMind explorers, replace unwanted thoughts by observing carefully these perfect geometrical shapes.

Lissajous explorer

Waterman polyhedra

explore tens of different colorful polyhedra

Mandala Cube

animating cube with the set of mandalas

Spherical Harmonics

animated set of hundreds of Spherical harmonical 3D shapes, move, select color mode and zoom are supported, selection by shape requires a powerful device.

Can also take a screenshot to a jpg file.

Plato Solids & the four elements

Combines the beauty and perfection of 3d animating models of the Plato solids with textures representing the four elements

Radial Spectrum

explore your voice to find its fundamental print and also time lapsed wide area spectrum


display hexogonal kaleidoscope based on the triangles of selected image,

a number of preset images can be selected from the menu option and displayed,

touch/drag the screen in different positions for animation this changes the position of the basic texture triangle coordinates inside the selected texture,

from the menu you can also open external images and save the content of the screen to a external file named "Kaleidoscope_"+selected input image if you selected an external image or "preset name" if you're working with a preset image, image format is .PNG


animation sets of mandala cubes

ETG. expression tone generation.

ETG plays the stereo sound associated with left/right channel algebraic expressions.


enter the expression on text panels, top one for Left and bottom one for Right sound channel, set the duration in secs, the required sample rate and press the <Play> button to generate and play the expressions, the main task bar also include buttons for graph and write to .wav options.

graph represents a two panel graph (one per expression) evaluated from 0 to secs,

the write option generates a stereo .wav file in 16 bits/PCM format with the result of both expresion evauation, also writes a session file (.etg) with the name of the session, this name is etg by default and can be changed with an option in the main menu,

additional options can be accessed through the application menu (new, open session file, define session name, constant table, load sample etg and spectrum analysis)

Menu options

  • New: clears the current session

  • Open. opens a previuos saved session

  • Session name. lets the user modify current session name

  • Constant table. named constants can be defined in the table with the pairs ID and VALUE, once defined they can be used in expressions

  • Load sample etg. choose a precoded sample etg showing much of the power of algebraic sound generation

  • Spctrum analysis. displays the FFT in selectable resolutions of the generated sound.

Quick examples

Fill in one of the expressions in the edit panels and click on the play button, stop at any point pressing  the same button again.

     sin(t*440) plays a 440Hz pure sinusoidal tone (A-La note in octave 0), note that ‘t’ is the special time variable scaled to 2?
     sin(t*3)*sin(t*440) plays a 440Hz tone amplitude modulated (AM) with a 3Hz one
     sin(t*3)*sin(t*440*sin(t*0.16)) plays a 440Hz tone AM 3Hz and Frequency Modulated (FM) by a 0.16Hz one.


Algebraic expression can be built using constants, operators and functions.

Named Constants: pi = 3.141592…, phi=0.618…
Operators supported are:
Arithmetic    –(negation) + - * / ^ (power) !(!n=n*(n-1)*n-2*n-3…).    
Functions supported include:

  • sin(expr)   

  • cos(expr)   

  • tan(expr)    

  • exp(expr)         

  • log(expr)        

  • log10(expr)   

  • int(expr)   

  • sqrt(expr)   

  • asin(expr)   

  • acos(expr)       

  • atan(expr)       

  • saw(expr)   

  • wave(amp, pitch, phase)

  • note(note#, octave)   

  • tone(note#.octave)   

  • osc(hz)   

  • sec(secs)   

  • abs(expr)

  • lap(expr)

Penrose Tilings.

A Penrose tiling is a non-periodic tiling generated by an aperiodic set of prototiles. Penrose tilings are named after mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose who investigated these sets in the 1970s. The aperiodicity of the Penrose prototiles implies that a shifted copy of a Penrose tiling will never match the original.

Setting enables control of zoom and recursion level, option menu lets you save in a .PNG file the resulting tiling.

PHI Spiral

based in PHI, the golden mean value 1.61803..., displays a double helix of pentagon incribed spirals in multi axis rotation.

Voice Balancing System (VBS)

VBS is a voice analysis and balancing sound generation app. V2V balancing sound is generated from main formants of your recorded voice

1. tap on the record button to start/stop recording, while recording the min:sec display will be updated and the vu meter will indicate max recording volume, also partial graph sound and spectrum are displayed.
2. view generated sound in different graphic systems (sound, spectrum, musical, radial)
3. generate and listen V2V balancing sound (tap on the play button to stop)

Main screen shortcuts.
1. tap on recording time (00:00) to view the muscal projection
2. vu meter displays radial spectrum
3. sound graph displays complete sound graph
4. spectrum graph displays full spectrum graph

Graph operation
Both sound and spectrum graphs can be zoomed in their full display screens, just tap in the start point and then the endpoint to zoom selected area (start, end), double tap or bottom->top gesture to reset zoom.

What is V2V?
v2v is VoiceSync balancing tone generation technology, it uses a symmetric mirror composition of voice formants as a harmonizing sound, it therefore compensates excess tones reducing their power and increases weak ones raising them, the result is a familiar sound very close to nature environments that relaxes and increases your concentration.
This program analyses voice calculating formants and displaying and accumulated radial spectrograph -your voice print-, filtering silence noise and low quality recordings.

the Metatron CUBE.

explore this fascinating sacred geometry creation, rotate in all angles to admite its hidden beauty.
Metatron cube is a composition of the 5 platonic solids.

Stalled Icosahedron

the set of 59 stalled icosahedron

Polyhedron festival

Amazing set of dozens of polyhedrons including Archimedes, Kepler, Quasiregular and Stellations rhombic triacontahedron


Generates outstanding image patterns from complex number formulas entered directly or selected from a preset list.


Music chords are our basic emotional vocabulary, this program can help you to recognize and associate them with feelings, thus gaining control and consciousness on our emotions and how to use them in real life.

read more about emochords


explore the gravity geometry


HarmonoGraph 3D

3 pendulum 3d dynamic harmonograph with configurable parameters (long tap)


Algebraic Surfaces

dynamic set of main 3d algebraic surfaces

Earth Planet

animated 3d globe, a little tribute to mother earth


3d rotating Bernoulli Lemniscate


generates random combination of 90 different 3d stereograms

Lorentz Attactor

a GeoMind implementation of chaos: 3d rotating lorentz attaractor

Alg. Surf. Implicit

a set of well known algebraic surfaces in implicit form gradient colored and shaded, another GeoMind for your delight

3D Attractors

experience the sensation of chaos with this 3d animated attractor generator.

Symmetric Icons

from the symmetry of chaos a set of predefined icons, just tap to cycle, long tap to set parameters of select an specific preset with menu,

please be patient as it takes a while to complete the icon.


Reads star spectrum of 161 stars containing spectral types O through M and luminosity classes I, III, and V.

Most stars are of solar metallicity, although two were chosen specifically for low metallicity. The data were obtained with the Intensified Reticon Scanner on the #1 91-cm telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.

Sound is generated directly from this digital spectra data

Mineral Sound

Generates resonant three octave compound tones from a list of more than 3000 minerals. Tones are generated using powder X-ray Diffraction parameters. This is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown solids. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense interplanar spacings.

Table displays the name and chemical formula of the mineral, left graphs represent the generated sound and difraction values.


brainwaves session generator with .WAV export facility, includes 4 type of brain waves (alpha, beta, delta, theta) with pitch and duration control, a set of backgrounds are available, multiple sessions are stored in its internal database.

Cosmic Octave

Each planet has a tone calculated from its rotational period, in this app each planet is enveloped in a selectable harmonically constructed voice like sound creating a cosmic chorus: the sound of spheres.


Displays graphics representation list for each chakra, tapping generates the sound of bija mantra

Chladni Plates (Membranes)

generates 2D membrane sound plates based on real time mic recording

DNA Springs

DNA springs recreates the well known rotating  copper wire harmonizing device

The Flower of Life


Generates a multi frequency sound combining up to 20 different waves created from amplitude, pitch (int Hz) and phase (0..2*pi),
the first frame lets you change the different parameters with a simple touch on each panel,
in the color slide mode each parameter can be adjusted indepently for a more precise definition,
the '?' options generates a random set that can be adjusted manually

sessions are saved in text file on sdcard root folderwith the session descrition field file name + '.mfreq extension


super-ellipsoid or superellipsoid is a solid whose horizontal sections are super-ellipses (Lam?curves) with the same exponent r, and whose vertical sections through the center are super-ellipses with the same exponent t. (source Wikipedia)

electronic ear

create healing sounds based on dr. tomatis research combining high frequency signals with white noise backgrounds,
each panel defines the envelope for pitch, balance and noise levels, define the curve touching at the corresponding levels,
sessions can be saved for future usage.


Displays a multioctave musical matrix and several type of voice spectrograms (radial, time, spira) in a one unique panel providing a complet overview of voice,

operaton is simple, just tap on the recording button and speak normally, to reset recording tap again, to expand the graphics just tap on each one of them,

this app. is designed for a 1280x800 resolution tablet

Schumann Resonances

Generates smooth Isochronic tones based on the Schumann frequencies set


Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician and autodidact who, with almost no formal training in pure mathematics, made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions.

This app. Displays taxicab(2) number and plays a compound sound with the frequencies obtained from it's main ratios

Planet Dance

Displays the proportions of planet orbits, select the outer and inner planets and the number of orbits to plot, tap on the graph to select the next preset.


3d animation

The art of π

Calculates and displays 5000 decimals of pi in a cicular graphical link,

options include 2d & 3d displays

clicking on the image (2d mode) saves it on a png file (pi.png) on your sd card (2000x2000) resolution.


Explore fourth dimension with this 4d animated cube projection also known as the Tesseract

V2V (voice2voice)

v2v performs voice analysis and generates voice2voice (v2v ) balancing tones.

v2v is VoiceSync balancing tone generation technology, it uses a symmetric mirror composition of voice formants as a harmonizing sound, it therefore compensates excess tones reducing their power and increases weak ones raising them, the result is a familiar sound very close to nature environments that relaxes and increases your concentration.

This program analyses voice calculating formants and displaying and accumulated radial spectrograph -your voice print-, filtering silence noise and low quality recordings.

v2v tones are generated from calculated formants.

Tap the record button and start speaking normally, when signal is stable, tap again the record button to stop, then tap the play button to listen the v2v tones.

It also displays a Recurrent graph of voice samples providing REC (recurrence rate) parameter and interpolation line (LSF) in red

Ir Nutrients

IR represent the most fundamental beat of matter, near absolute zero temperature it's the only pulse that emits, 

transforming it to the visible spectrum it can be applied directly to skin as this incredible organ has the ability to see, hear and perceive many vibrational sources considered extrasensorial,

contains sets of IR nuetrients grouped in

Nicotine: helps you to give up smoking

Vitamins: a complete set of most important vitamins


Fatty Acids

uses spherical harmonics as vector and the sound generated from the compound spectrum.

Just select the desired set from the main menu and apply the screen directly to your skin, a 3 minute daily session is recommended.

Complete Software Pack (Radionics+more apps) Price $29.90$

Installation instructions

Once downloaded, unzip the content of the file in your SD card and install each individual app in your android device, you will need a file manager like astro or android file manager. If your device has not Sd card, directly perform purchase operations from it, save the downloaded file and unzip & install from device.

Install with confidence as all apps. Use only a very limited set of permissions (mostly just write to SD hard disk) that can't harm on any way you device.

Required device

Android 2.2 or newer, at least 1Ghz CPU with 512Kb RAM and 800x600 screen resolution (480 horizontal minimum), the ideal device is a nexus 7 type tablet (1280x800 display, 1GB ram and 1ghz cpu)